GIT usage antipatern

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Examine this:

Zrzut ekranu 2022-10-24 o 11.03.59.png

Its taken from @php/php-src repo.

The very same pattern is being repeated every now & than.

What the fucking fuck is this?!

I know that git as a VCS is sixable, but FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may ask:

Whats wrong than?

Its not git thats to be blamed here. Its core team behind php/php-src repo! Its not even commiter ( smalyshev ) fault. Its fault of whoever set rules like commiting ruleset (CRS). Possibly one of these fuckers: either:

  • nikita popov,
  • dmitriy stogov.

Both from Russia. No big letters as I dont pay respect to assholes.