I hate FOSS

In the current shape. I mean it. And I hate proprietary software.

But lets start from where it starts. Its mid 1970 and Richard Stallman is heavily fed up with proprietary software. So he created FOSS. Briliant ideas behind, right? Of course right, but till the time when.........

this walking shit zeev suraski ( oh yes, he does not deserve any kind of respect ) creates whats called php. What is today the largest gathering of pro-russian DICKS calling themselves developers.

You know, Im also a developer, but when someone compares "my" developer degree with "theirs", this is where my blood boils:

  • Im not pretending to be someone Im clearly not,
  • Im open to fair criticism,
  • Im honest to my fellow developers/teammates,
  • Im super-real as of licence ( thats why I invented my own licence )
  • We ( as a team ) are closed but thats because we are constantly being lied to during interviews, not because we chose to be from the begining; we were open at first,
  • We DONT use CLA in any form !!! In our opinion CLA in any form is against free merit.

There is a myth that FOSS project isnt going to exist without proper funding that has to come from selling product/software. Although Stallman does not prohibit selling FOSS software and, by ascSHIT, financing project, it got to the point of absurd.

Thats why we firmly oppose further screwing up of what once was brilliant idea by Stallman.

We oppose, and we will continue to do that.

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